Write for Us

Do you love sports and have a thorough knowledge of them? Have you always wanted to be a writer or had desires to work in sports journalism? Supersports360 offers you the platform to reach millions of readers worldwide.

About Supersports360

Supersports360 is a cutting-edge sports news platform with an ever-growing readership. We are always on the lookout for talented content writers, guest authors, and freelance writers—whether experienced or newcomers—who can enlighten our audience with top-notch, thoroughly researched pieces in a variety of categories.

What We Publish

Supersports360 publishes a variety of content including:

  • News articles
  • Trending stories
  • Match Reports
  • Feature articles
  • Interviews
  • Analysis
  • Match Predictions
  • Sports Fantasy Guides
  • Statistical pieces
  • Listicles

Content Writing Guidelines

To ensure the highest quality of content, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Word Count:
    • News and Trending Stories: Minimum of 350 words.
    • Try not to exceed 500 words for news articles. If necessary, eliminate less crucial portions and summarize in your own words.
  2. Paragraph Structure:
    • Keep paragraphs between 4-5 lines to maintain a consistent flow.
    • The first two paragraphs should describe the situation without quotes (if it’s a news article). Quotes can be paraphrased here but avoid direct quotes.
  3. Originality:
    • Avoid using phrases or sentences that have already been published on the same subject. Communicate the same ideas using a different pattern.
  4. Subheadings:
    • Incorporate subheadings to enhance readability.
  5. Revision:
    • Check and revise your article thoroughly before submitting it for review.

How to Apply?

If you’re interested in contributing to Supersports360, please email us at mail.supersports360@gmail.com with a unique topic that showcases your writing skills. Ensure your topic aligns with our content categories and guidelines.

Join us at Supersports360 and share your passion for sports with a global audience!